Monday, July 21, 2008

a nervous day

I am trying to fill my day with mundane routine things...I can't work on anything really important because I can't concentrate...Lief is at the hospital for a second surgery on his shoulder from the car accident he and Sabrina had a year and a half ago. I know he'll be fine but I'm so nervous until I hear his voice and the dr's tell me he's OK...I'll be jittery all day.
I dropped him off at the hospital at 9:40am and surgery was scheduled for 11:45am.
I know he went into surgery but each time I call the hospital...all they can tell me is he's not down in same day surgery suite yet which is normal...he has to have surgery, then recovery, then back to the surgery suite....but I'm nervous all the same.
You should have seen the way I jumped when the phone rang before. It was Joey. He's going to pick Lief up and bring him home which is good so the girls did not have to stay at the hospital all day. but Kelly did have to miss school. I didn't have anyone to take her and drop her off at 9:20AM when I had to be at the hospital an hour away at 9:45AM...I'll let you know how things so...keep a good thought.

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