Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

A wonderful Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there in the world.
We had a quite day and went out for a nice lunch.
I was suppose to get breakfast in bed but Lief was taping a car race and I couldn't watch TV
so he said he'd bring me the paper.
but by the time he got up I had been awake for a half hour tossing and turning because I just
could not stay in bed any longer.
So I got up and helped with the girls. He still made breakfast but I ate in the kitchen.
Such is the life of a many of you can stay in bed in the mornings.....?


Sue said...

Happy Momma's Day!

Sue said...

I never really liked breakfast in bed as much anyway
(Don't tell Frankie, because that's what he gave me!)

Anonymous said...

Breakfast in bed is over rated... first of all if there is any liquids tea, juice, coffee or even syrup... you will inevitably spill some on you and your sheets. This you will notice right away and you can change the sheets. This makes for work for you. So the breakfast that was supposed to give you a "break" is just more of a pain, than a help. But if for some strange chance you don't spill, then the dreaded crumbs from toast, or some other crunchy, crumbly or other wise small partical of some breakfast food will migrate into the bed. I don't know how this happens. I mean we would try sooooo hard not to let it happen...but it does. This is by far the worst. Reason you ask.... well you won't always notice those insidious crumbs right away... those you find late at night when all you want to do is crawl into bed and sleep. But you can't go to sleep with crumbs in the bed... you hafta sit there and wipe and sweep and blow them off the sheets. Boy is that irritating!!! The best thing to do is make them put the breakfast in the kitchen or dining room. This way they can join you with out jumping up and down and spilling all the contents of the tray all over your nice clean white sheets!!! Or at least that is how I feel!!! Of course it is the thought that counts, so I should just shut up and stop complaining! Hope ya had a good Mother's Day!!!
Aunt Bunny